Hoping with Low Expectations

So I'm dealing with some personal issues, and as I do when I need to think things through, I turned to my blog. It was actually so encouraging to read past posts and see how God had answered prayers and how things that I thought were impossible, became possible. It left me encouraged, almost completely encouraged.  So much encouraged that I am almost positive that the issues are soon to resolve. 

And that scares me a little.  It seems crazy to go from a complete mess to an over-positive hopeful in the matter of a day.  So I'm trying to balance keeping low expectations so that I don't get my feelings hurt even worst and making positive things happen to positive thinkers. I want to name it and claim it, while I'm also thinking, don't say something that is gonna make you look like a fool later.

So I'm holding on and being hopeful, while not being too hopeful.  I'm sure hoping the hopeful side wins.


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