Post Election Sadness

This is why I’m upset –

Not because Trump won.  He had a 50/50 chance.  I would have been disappointed with Hilary Clinton too.  Why I’m mad is because people who claim to be Christ followers, Christians, honestly believe that the President-elect is a fellow believer. I’m shocked.  I’m stunned.  Most importantly, I’m saddened.

If you think that he was the “lesser of two evils”, I can understand.  If you thought that maybe his erratic policy would shake things up, I can understand that too.  But if you honestly think that this man is a Christian, well, that I can’t understand.

This man joined the Republican Party which stands for “pro-life” and “anti-gay” policies, and perhaps, you consider those Christian qualities.  But that does not make a Christian.  This man, our President-elect, has multiple marriages, has on numerous occasions spoke derogatorily against other races and gender, and has performed numerous shady, corrupt business transactions, just to name a few. Yet, all of those fruits of this man have been dismissed as if they doesn’t count. But they do. You know a tree by the fruit it bears, and this man has been bearing selfish ungodly fruit for years.
Perhaps the only silver lining is that I finally understand the warnings of Jesus to beware the “wolves in sheep’s clothing” because it seems many Christians have been fooled. God states that people would be swayed by “good talk”.  He tells us to be watching out for those that would “tickle our ears.”  It seems that a large part of Christianity has fallen into this trap, and have done it in the name of God! They have kicked Jesus out and set Trump at the right hand of the Father.

If you think for one minute that Trump is concerned with godly acts, you are sadly mistaken. I can’t stand by and listen to the rhetoric spewed by so called Christians that “God has answered prayers” and that “God has His man in the White House.”  Apparently I read a different Bible and serve a different God.

I feel like Elijah sitting in the wilderness crying out “God, am I the only one?” I am disturbed to my very core. I am disturbed that Pastors would teach their congregations that this is God’s voice giving America another chance. I’m disturbed that anyone could think a MAN would make America great? I’m just sick and sad, so very sad. 


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