More Trauma

You see things on the news, and you never think that something so bad could happen to you or someone you know.

Thursday night, around 11:00 pm, a good friend of my family (practically my 2nd father) was held up at gun point and shot. All of this took place as his 17 year old son watched.

Thankfully, he is recovering. Although he is still in a lot of pain, he will just fine in a few weeks. His soon is still really upset, blaming himself. I'm afraid it won't pull him closer, just make him bitter.

I'm sitting her shaking my head, trying to figure out why this happened. It's just another cloud blocking the light on my way down this road. I can't comprehend why bad things keep happening to people I love. I can't find God in any of this.

Where are You?
Can You hear me?
I can't hear You!
Where are You?
Can You feel me?
I can't feel You!
Despite my every effort,
I can't break through.
Jesus, where are You?

You brought me to this place,
and someone walked away.
Was it me or You?
Now I'm cold, and I'm alone.
I can't see my way home.
Jesus, where are You?

I'm waiting, waiting for You to come.
I need You to rescue me.
I'm unsure of all I've ever known.
Jesus, don't forget me...Please answer me!

Where am I?
I'm right here.
I feel you.
I hear you.
Soon, you will feel me too.
Don't worry.
I'll show up, and then I'll be in you!


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