Terrorists, School, and God's Beauty!

A co-worker and I were discussing the attempted Terrorist attack halted in London this week. I was sharing how I had just returned from England a month ago, and she had a daughter who just flew out of Heathrow Airport on Sunday! How blessed we were to arrive home safely!

We also discussed the fact that authorities have probably been aware that something was about to take place far in advance. How far in advance? Is that the reason why my passport was checked not once but twice? Is that the reason for the more than usual strict questioning?? Probably so!

The first week of school has been ok. I've been working my tail off, writing lesson plans, continuing to decorate my room, memorize names, do paper work. The list goes on and on! I've decided that I should buy a cot and live here at school. It would be a lot easier!

I've also come to the realization that I don't mind all the extra work because I love my job. Now, don't get me wrong, there are moments (yes, I've had them already) where I wanted to grab a bratty 7th grader up by his collar and slap him upside his head! Yet, all in all, I'm glad to be a teacher. I'm glad to be a positive roll model in these students' lives. I walked down the smelly Jr. High Hall this morning, heard Mrs. Veteran Teacher say "I don't lose papers! So don't tell me you turned something in when you didn't.", and I had to smile. There is a joy that comes in knowing you are exactly where you need to be.

I had to break a poor boy's heart yesterday. Koldstone admitted he had a crush on me and asked me to dinner. I had to say no. First, I don't like him as anything but a friend, and I would hate to lead him on. Secondly, He just graduated from the high school where I teach at. If a current student saw us together they would think that Ms. Rigney just waits til you graduate to date you. I can't have that type of reputation. Especially since I'm already having to prove my "adultness" to students now since I'm young, and I look even younger! Thirdly, he's just learning about church and God, etc. He sure doesn't need to be wrapped up in me. He needs to be wrapped up in Jesus!

I began to wonder why half of the male population at this school think I'm so wonderful or pretty. Please, don't take this the wrong way; I am not that conceited. Personally, I don't think I'm that pretty and I know there are other teachers (young too) that are way better looking than me. Honestly I think their attraction has nothing to do with my facial beauty. It has to do with God's beauty shining through me. They've never been in contact with Holiness, standards, and modesty to the extent that I have. Not that I'm Mother Theresa or anything, but compared to what they see everyday, I'm completely different.

The world is attracted to God and His people. Sometimes we feel inadequate, especially as ladies because we don't look as good as other women. We don't have the cute hair style or the make up to hide all the blemishes. If we could ever stop thinking about what we don't have and concentrate on what we do have, we would see the world in a different light. We would see that people are hungry. They want to know what we're about, why we act the way we do.

**Whew** I'm not sure where that came from, but I guess the Lord wanted to have it said! :-) Have a great weekend!!


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