What my Flesh Wanted to Say!

Excuse me. I am not your girlfriend or your wife. What I wear and how I look is of no concern of yours. When I wake up in the morning and get dressed, your opinion is not on my mind. I dress to please myself. Also, don't analyze my actions as if you know me. I am not one of those other skanky girls. You don't know my situations or my problems. You only know what I allow you to know and that is not enough to judge me by. You may think you know, but you have no idea.

And do not get an attitude with me for snapping. It doesn't make me a stupid woman with PMS or a bad Christian. It makes you a jerk! I am a person, not a piece of meat. There is much more to me than my physical appearance whether it suits you today or not. I refuse to be be treated as if I'm inferior and your little punching bag.

So next time you want to comment on how my appearance is not up to your standards, keep your comment to yourself!


the lizness said…
No kidding!!! I'm sure you looked as hot as a modest girl should look :)

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