Stupid People....

Is it absolutely necessary to have stupid people on earth?? They annoy the heck out of me. I'm in the middle of 4-5 situations, and they all deal with stupid people. My problem is that I try to be too nice to these people. I probably suffer from too few boundaries, but I hate to make people feel uncomfortable, and I try my hardest not to totally, out rightly offend. So I end up taking more stupidity off of people than I should.

I mean, how many times does a girl need to turn a guy down before he gets the picture that she's not interested? How many times do you have to tell someone, I don't care about your life and the things you do with it, so please keep your stories to yourself? How many times do you have to hear stories of people doubting your personal salvation before that person actually comes and says, "Hey I'm concerned about you. Can I pray for you?" Not that I need their concern or their prayer for that matter...well at least not prayer for that particular reason.
I'm also tired of meaningless flirting with certain individuals and no inkling of commitment behind it.

Anyway, the list could go on and on with the ignorance. I'm ready for it to stop. Do stupid people hibernate during the winter??


Anonymous said…
In a society filled with liars, players and trying to figure out the hidden meaning to someone's words it can be very difficult to get your meaning accross. If the truth is told with to much cheer, to much sarcasm/emotion or to sickly sweet more than likely the message will not be received. Telling the truth to someone, with calm and without losing eye contact could very well get your message accross a little easier. (Especially with Mr. can't make up his mind) However, there are those who will not get your true message due to the message they have chosen to believe before ever talking to you. The words to an old song come to mind, "Been around the world to find that only stupid people are breeding."
'b' said…
i promise to stop flirting.

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