It's been a Long Vacation...

but finally Grey's Anatomy is back. It's as if I was missing something this whole time, and now my best friend has returned! :) Did you know there are lots of websites all about Grey's Anatomy? There are websites with 100's of quotes from episodes. Try goggling it sometime. And you thought I was obsessed?

Look, give me a break. I have to have something to occupy my time. I'm a school teacher and a youth leader, my life is all about helping young people find their way. Besides a few friends and my immediate family, there is nothing else going on for me. I have to live life vicariously through something.

This past weekend, a friend of mine had a guy drive 8 hours to come visit her. They've never met in real life. It's kind of friends of friends, they connected on EC, and a year or so later he finally comes down here. He seems like a great guy and I hope things work out for them, but 8 hours for a girl he's never seen face to face?? I've been interested in a guy for almost 4 years and he's never even driven 3 hours to see me....and whether he knows I'm interested or not...well that's a whole other post!

I'm not sure what I'm rambling about? Blame it on all the antibiotics I'm on...


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