Lessons from the Wedding

My mom's side of the family has always been pretty close. We always spent all major holidays at Nanna's house, until she died and the family split apart for various reasons. I've dealt with it and moved on, but I realized this past weekend how much I missed my family.

My cousin married on Saturday afternoon, and almost the entire family was there. Even though it seemed like a bit was strained and overdone, we all tried to be nice to one another. And for a brief moment, I remembered all the good times, and things were OK. I miss hanging out in the living room, watching football, and wrestling with everyone. I miss eating leftovers and reminiscing about the old days. I miss the love of my family.

Also at the wedding, the idea of growing up and maturity got a hold of me. My cousin that was married this weekend is the first to get married in several years. My two oldest cousins have been married for a while, both having kids who have entered the double-digits. The rest of us have remained single. With this cousin getting married, it kind of opens the door for the rest of us. We all argued over who would be married next. With the way our track record is, it could be awhile for us all!

But I'm OK with that. Yes, I've got this possible date thing coming up, but I'm OK if I need to wait. I truly don't mind, as long as it's what God wants for me.

I have 2 friends that are knocking loudly on 40's door. They have been best friends for years, but they just started dating a year or so ago. They will be getting married this weekend. I absolutely hate that I'm going to miss their wedding, but my trip to LA was already planned. They have been criticized for waiting so long to get married. Everyone that I've talked to has said, "Well it's about time. Why are they just now doing it."

But I understand. I understand that not everyone operates on the same time table. I understand that it may take years for certain circumstances to bring people together. I also understand that situations can hurt, and you may think you've lost the love of your family or a friendship, but God's plan is always better than our plan. And just when you think you lose your trust in one person, God will always send someone else to you.


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