Oh No He Didn't!

So I finally texted messaged the guy to thank him for the flowers. I had "forgotten" his note at school yesterday in which he had left me his number, so I couldn't contact him until today.

Seeing as that I don't know this guy's last name (sounds like a country song, huh?) and I've only talked to him 2 times in my life and wouldn't be able to even accurately call him out of a line-up, I figured texting was a safe bet. I mean, I wanted to be nice, but I didn't want to give him the wrong impression.

My text was simple "Hey this is Kim. Just wanted to say thanks for the flowers, that was really nice." 3 hours later he replies. "A Text? Well, Anyway, You're welcome."

WHAT!?? Did you just act as if I owed you more than a text?? I didn't ask for the flowers! Heck, I don't even know you! You should be glad I even bothered to send your half-gay self a text!

But actually, it kinda worked out nicely because his rudeness voids my "I'm sorry but I'm just not interested" talk. Now I can act as if because he was a butthead it totally turned off any chance he had. So maybe God was helping a sister out??


'b' said…
you have more unfortunate guy drama than anyone else i've ever met, ever.

chantell said…
The thought of his rudeness voiding your "I'm sorry but I'm just not interested" talk is HILARIOUS.

If only it were always that easy, huh? But anyway, totally good riddance. I mean, he sends you flowers and then gets all in a tizzy because he didn't like the way you said thank you? Maybe he is a little too much in touch with his feminine side because it sounds like he's PMSing.
"half gay self". i laughed out loud. i may have even snorted. and slapped my leg. it sounds like he's over sensitive, which is so high maintenance, constantly worrying about somebody's touchy feelings and mood swings. hopefully the text is a good replacement for the awkward talk....
Randall said…
Kim, you do realize that he has probably googled your name and found this blog.

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