Dear God,

I don't understand it.  And I know that I'm not meant to understand everything.  I know that I am incapable of seeing the big picture.  I'm desperately trying to trust you completely.  I want to believe, but please help my unbelief.

I know that I don't deserve anything.  Everything I have, everything I am, is only because you are a gracious father who wishes to bestow good upon me.  

Forgive me for being selfish and bratty.  I know that things could be worse and that there are many, many others who's plight is 100 times more devastating than anything I could imagine.
It doesn't stop my heart from aching but it lessens the pain.  

You ultimately are the only one I need, the only one that can make me better.  I stand in awe of Your grace and love.  I'm amazed by You.

The only thing I have to offer You today are my tears and my life.  It's not much, especially compared to Your greatness, but I give it anyway.  But the most amazing thing is that You find my humble offering of such enormous value that all of heaven cheers for me.

I'm climbing up in Your lap because I just want to be loved by You.  Please, wrap Your arms around me tightly and remind me that You are there.  And as Your love surrounds me, let it be so forceful that it emanates through me to others that may also need to be reminded of Your love for them.


Emily Rigney said…
Your words are so powerful. God does hear your cries and He does feel your pain and wants to remove it all from you. You just have to keep doing what you are doing by turning it all over to Him and letting Him put His loving arms around you. It is so amazing how much you have grown in your faith, I know that some how God is going to answer your cry.

Love ya,


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