What's in a Year??

I had an uneventful New Year's Eve.  It wasn't at all what I had anticipated, but by the time 12 AM arrived, I was just glad to be spending it with anyone at all.

I ended up hanging out with my parents and going to one of their friend's house to ring in the new year.  We were all sitting around playing Deal or No Deal and I looked down at my phone.  15 minutes until the new year.  10 minutes to the new year.  7 minutes to the new year.  I looked to an old friend next to me and said...

"Why am I counting down?  Like in 7 minutes my life is going to radically change for the better?"
She laughed and agreed..."Not like your knight in shining armor is going to arrive right at that moment, huh?"  
"Nope...he'd probably be riding a mule and wearing tin foil anyway!"

We were just joking around but they reality is true.  A new year isn't going to miraculously change anything.  No matter whether 2008 was the best year ever or the worst year ever, 2009 isn't going to be any different unless I and my circumstances change.  2009 can simply be a continuation of everything 2008 was.  We aren't promised the new year will be any different.

I realize the point of resolutions and I know the humanistic need for dates and times, but we can choose to change anytime we wish.  I'm not going to put my faith in the activities of New Year's Eve and New Year's Day and view it as a gauge of how the rest of my year will be.  It's ok that I didn't eat black eyed peas or greens.  (I'm not a fan of either one.)  2009 may have begun, but for me, it's just another day leading to the rest of my life.  

What 2009 has in store is a mystery to me.  All I can do is be the best person I can be and adjust each day as I see fit.  I could stress about getting into the graduate program or whether Mr. Amazing will ever live up to his potential or if I'll ever find a real, lasting Mr. Amazing, but what's the point?  I'm a child of God and He knows what is ahead and what is best for me.  So I'm going to continue to say "You're will, not mine" no matter what year it is.


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