They're Back Just in Time for the Holiday!
We'll just chalk these 2 incidents up to more of Kimberly's Strange Guy Stories.
Story #1 --
Mr. Amazing texted me on Valentine's Day to naturally wish me Happy Valentine's Day. Then a couple of hours later he texted and said "just wanted to let you know you are amazing." I asked what made him think of that, and he replied that he was just thinking about me that day. We exchanged some pleasantries, "how is your day" etc. But in ending the conversation he said "I just felt like you deserved to know how great you really are."
If I didn't have the need to stay clear of his charm, I would have been floating on cloud 9. However, I grabbed the nearest chair and grounded myself firmly. How convenient that while he's at home alone on Valentine's Day he thinks of me. He should have tried a day later, and I may have been impressed. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure he does honestly think I'm great and amazing. But thinking those things and putting some action behind those thoughts are two completely different ideas.
I really wanted to bust him out, but I figured it wasn't worth it. I wanted to ask him if I was so amazing then why hadn't he followed up on HIS plan for us get together again soon. But there is no sense in being mean. His well meant words are just that...words. I took his compliments for what they were and decided it was nice to at least be thought of in a positive manner.
Story #2 --
I know none of you have forgotten Unconquerable Boy! How could we forget the drama of being his friend, liking him, blogging about it, him reading the blog about it, him leading me on, him meeting a girl the next weekend, and him marrying her 8 months later?!! Honestly, I had forgiven and moved on. Apparently he hadn't. That is why Wednesday afternoon, over a year later, he texted me to apologize.
I checked my phone and noticed I had received a message from a random number. I recognized the area code but didn't know who it was until I read the message. "I know it's too late, but I want to apologize for everything I did that hurt you." You can imagine how flabbergasted I was to read that message. It took me a couple of hours before I could even reply back. I was shocked. Over a year later, and you even remember me?!
I told him that even though I had never said anything, I forgave him a long time ago. I did let him know that I appreciated his apology, and it meant a lot for him to acknowledge things. He told me that he was sorry for many things, but mostly that he hurt his best friend. I asked him what brought about the apology, and he told me that he often thought about me and what he had done to hurt me. He was preparing a lesson about making decisions that haunt you later in life for his youth group that afternoon. He knew that he could not get up and teach that lesson without asking for my forgiveness. I told him that it showed a lot of maturity and growth and that I was proud of him. He said that he hates that he screwed up something so good and that it cost him so much to learn his lesson. I honestly didn't know that he had considered me his best friend and such a great loss.
I believe his apology is sincere. He's married now. It's been a year. He didn't have to ever acknowledge anything. I had moved on with my life completely. Also, there is no way he did it to look good because I don't talk to anyone in his town that much anymore, so no one would know he apologized. No pat on his back, no great reward for him. Just the relief of guilt and the peace of forgiveness.
I didn't really need him to say anything, but I'm glad he made things right for him, and of course, my human flesh feels a bit vindicated. He was hurt more than I realized. And for once, I could offer forgiveness to someone who was actually bothering to ask for it. However, I think it was mostly a reminder from God that I still have some forgiveness I need to bestow on those who aren't able to ask for it.