
Showing posts from April, 2009

Can You Hear Me Now??

I often pray things, and I know that God hears me.  However I'm not always sure He's listening.  I guess I just figure out of the 6 billion + people in the world, my requests aren't as important as starving people in Asia or displaced citizens of Darfur . Thankfully, God is listening, and my requests are important to him, even if I forget that sometimes.  What's also great is that He reminds me that He's working on things.  For example.... I firmly believe there is reason why I come in contact with every person that I meet.  I don't always know the reason, but each person is somehow significant in the development of my life. I often believe that there may not be any other reason for contact other than to share God with that person.  So as with Mr. Amazing, I've been certain that God has a reason for him walking into my life and showing back up all the time.  Therefore,  I pray for him weekly, sometimes daily, that God would do a work in his life.  I pray tha...

We know. We Just Forget We Know.

My pastor bought me a cute, abridged version of "He's Just Not That Into You" while he and his wife were on vacation. It took me perhaps 20 minutes to go through it. I laughed, I cringed, and I sadly nodded my head in agreement on several occasions. I read a few excepts out loud at lunch and my father said, "Why are you reading that? You already know all of it. You could write your own version." To which I had to reply, "I know that's what's sad. I know it, all women know it, and somebody made millions and even had it turned into a movie!" What is it about us that we can know it for everyone else, but when it comes to ourselves, we can't see it? But not to put all the blame on us, although girls should probably take most of the responsibility , why can't guys just say it? One excerpt read "A man would rather be trampled by elephants that are on fire than tell you he's just not that into you." Why can't they ju...

Sheet Rock Easter

It seems like a lifetime ago when church drama was ruling my life, and yet it seems like only yesterday we gave birth to Grace Fellowship.  Regardless what it feels like, in less than 2 years we have moved into our new church building and had Easter Service right there in between the sheet rocked walls! Things have definitely not been easy.  There has been heartaches, tears, frustration, and doubts. But they seem so minor compared to the joys, happiness, love, and deep down change that has occurred in my church families' lives.   For those of you who don't know, we were able to purchase an old furniture store that was going out of business.  (A huge 100' x 100' metal building, or something like that!)  In about a month, we ripped up carpet, tore down walls, put up rafters, and sheet rocked the inside of our sanctuary.  This morning we had over 100 people gathered to celebrate the resurrection of Christ and the birth of our salvation.   Despite the fact that I've...

The Silent Treatment

Well I'm no closer in making a decision about whether to invest or not.  I'm stuck between 2 ideas. 1.  I should give it up and guard my heart.  There is no sense in pouring out emotions, time, and energy on something that is obviously not working out or giving me what I need. 2.  I need to learn to trust God and others with my heart, and God is using this whole situation as a test of my faith in Him. See I have this huge tendency to expect the worst.  My idea is that if I expect the worst,  I won't be disappointed when it doesn't work out.  Not exactly the best faith exercise. I've done that since day one with Mr. Amazing.  I've anticipatied him screwing up, breaking my heart, or blowing me off.  E very time I feel myself getting a bit too close, I freak out and back off.  I've deleted his number from my cell 2 different times but eventually added him back. I honestly thought I could handle it.  I thought I could do this whole occasional "friend"...

You Might Be a School Employee If...

YOU might be a school employee if you believe the playground should be equipped with a Ritalin salt lick.  YOU might be a school employee if you want to slap the next person who says, 'Must be nice to work 8 to 3:30 and have summers off.  YOU might be a school employee if it is difficult to name your own child because there's no name you can come up with that doesn't bring high blood pressure as it is uttered.  YOU might be a school employee if you can tell it's a full moon or if it going to rain, snow hail....anything!!! Without ever looking outside.  YOU might be a school employee if you believe, 'shallow gene pool' should have its own box on a report card.  YOU might be a school employee if you believe that unspeakable evils will befall you if anyone says, 'Boy, the kids sure are mellow today.'  YOU might be a school employee if when out in public, you feel the urge to snap your fingers at children you do not know and correct their behavior.  YOU migh...