Can You Hear Me Now??
I often pray things, and I know that God hears me. However I'm not always sure He's listening. I guess I just figure out of the 6 billion + people in the world, my requests aren't as important as starving people in Asia or displaced citizens of Darfur . Thankfully, God is listening, and my requests are important to him, even if I forget that sometimes. What's also great is that He reminds me that He's working on things. For example.... I firmly believe there is reason why I come in contact with every person that I meet. I don't always know the reason, but each person is somehow significant in the development of my life. I often believe that there may not be any other reason for contact other than to share God with that person. So as with Mr. Amazing, I've been certain that God has a reason for him walking into my life and showing back up all the time. Therefore, I pray for him weekly, sometimes daily, that God would do a work in his life. I pray tha...