Trust to Die For

Jesus and I sat and had an intense conversation today. It was good to have the time to just sit down and enjoy talking with him without feeling rushed. Grad school and a full time job doesn't offer a ton of down time.

But during our time together, he impressed upon me a scripture "Yet he slay me, yet will I trust Him." I know the verse; I know what it means, but for the first time, I let the weight of those words really sink in. I have a hard time with trust, and to apply this verse to my life, the real truth of this verse, is a bit overwhelming.

When I pray this verse, I'm saying "God, even if all my hopes and ambitions and dreams are never fulfilled, even if I never get what I want, even if everything in my life falls apart, I will still trust that God has it under control." Do we really realize how heavy that is?? That's trust beyond my imagination.

I know that God wants me to trust Him that much. And I'm learning. But something else I realized is that trust that big has to have LOVE that big. God loves me so much, that he can watch me suffer in life, watch my disappointments, watch my foolishness and not give into my fleshly desires. He holds on to what is best for me. He loves me so much not to spoil me with ever fleeting whim. And even if that requires that all my wants and wishes die, He is protecting me. And when all my drama ends, when all my selfish desires seem at a loss, He steps in with exactly what I need for this life or the life to come.


Randall said…
Very "weighty" as John Piper would say. Seeing God as sovereign has a huge impact on how we worship him. You now worship God not because of some humanistic selfish desire that he will save you from Hell but because he is God and he gave himself to be slaughtered to purchase those of us that where given to Him by the Father.

Great post!

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