Love Can Build A Bridge

To recap: We know that God has unconditional love, and that you need to show that love to others. Also, you need to put actions behind your words.

God said there are 2 great commandments: 1.) Love God with all your heart, mind, body, and spirit. 2.) Love your neighbor as yourself.

Right now let's concentrate on the 2nd commandment. We have to love everyone we come in contact with just as much as we love ourselves. Now, if any of you are like me, I'm pretty darn fond of myself. Therefore, I should be pretty darn fond of everyone else too. I should be one of the biggest "people persons" out there.

God goes as far to say that all the law and the prophets hang on those 2 commandments. That means, if you don't grab a hold of this love thing and run with it, you might as well pack up your bags and go home. That's how imporant it is to love other people.

Now back to my original theory. It's one thing to say that I love my neighbor, it's another thing to go cut his grass for him when he's sick. It's one thing to say that I love my neighbor, it's another story to go help a homeless man. See what I'm getting at? Love is an action and a choice. Love is not involuntary or uncontrollable. We choose who we love. If we had no control over love, God never would have commanded us to do it. God wouldnt' make us do something we were incapable of. Trust me, I'm preaching to myself here because there are a few people that seem impossible of loving. (But I always say, I just have to love them; I don't have to like them. Then again that's a whole other post.)

Will loving your neighbor by itself save you and send you to heaven? No. However, I do believe that it will help you keep your salvation, and you're not getting in without doing it.God's not stupid and everything He inspired people to write in the Bible was written for a reason. Everyone is looking for love and it is the only thing that can build a bridge from Hell to Heaven.


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