
Showing posts from February, 2006

Something I Know Little About

Romance. I can say that I've dabbled in it a little, but never had the pleasure or misfortune (depending on your view point) to dive head first into it. However, through use of Movies and TV, I got a few glimpses into what I'd certainly like to have. Exhibit A: I just purchased and watched the newest version of "Pride and Prejudice." The story was not new to me, but I did need reminding that Mr. Darcy is one of the greatest, fictitious men ever created. I made the statement to my father, who had the privilege of walking in on the end of the movie, that I would marry a man if he was like Mr. Darcy. What is it about Mr. Darcy?? He pushes Elizabeth; he challenges her. They both make each other see their faults and realize their dreams. Together they are greater than they ever could be apart. He makes her push past all her preconceived notions. He forces her, though without physical force, to trust him. He does things to win her affection, knowing he may actually never ga...

A Must Read

An excerpt from Tommy Tenney's Hadassah: One Night With the King .... "And then Mordecai asked the fateful question. "What was it really like to enter the Holy Place, the dwelling of the Almighty?" "God really does have a presence, do you know?....My whole being would throb with this awareness of His person. I thought I could feel His heart. And at such times I was glad everyone else kept their distance, because often I would dance and laugh and weep and sing and shout all at the same time because my chest felt like it would truly, truly burst if I did not. I felt -- I felt...well, have you ever seen a young child greet a beloved father after a long absence? The little arms pumping, the little legs churning, the leap into his arms, the tears in the father's eyes? I felt like that. A child so overcome with joy at His return that all I wanted to do in this world was to leap as high into His bosom as I could. And I could feel His tears, too. That's the wond...

I Promise....

....Not to rant, rave, or depress with this post today. Today I promise to be uplifting, fun, and possibly even encouraging. Even though I've stated that I'm going down this " dark road " and that I've been a bit aggravated doesn't mean that my whole being is gloomy and melancholy. No actually, I try not to focus on those issues all day, and most of the time I enjoy myself. So here's to a good day! First, interesting news for blog fans out there. 2 bloggers listed under my links, Shana and Robert , will be having an all-out blog war. No date has been scheduled, but it should be coming to a blog near you in the upcoming days or week. They will be taking questions from and moderated by the original blogger Wendy. Shana and Robert will be tackling this subjects from the female and male perspective and giving us all some insight into the minds of the opposite sex. Secondly, my good friend Sunshine should be popping out a baby any day now. We...

Proceed with Caution

You have been warned.... Why are people irresponsible and not dependable?? It's one of the most nerve-racking things to deal with people who are so wishy washy. They can't give you a straight answer, you have to pet them and beg them and remind them of every little thing. GROW UP! Get some accountability about you! I'm about to get down right personal here. Tonight as soon as church service was over I briefly announced in a microphone to the whole entire congregation that all the youth needed to meet with a certain person and let them know if they planned on going to Tupelo for something called "Wintervention." I made the statement that whether you planned on going or not, you needed to meet with her immediately. So the responsible person that I am, I walked over to the lady and told her I was going. She asked me if I would mind rounding up everyone else. I looked at her and I said, "Yes, I would mind. I made the announcement on a mic and everyone heard me. I...

A Cold, Dark Road

The past 7-8 months have been some of the worst times in my life. I know that some of the greatest things happened to me during this time, including graduating from college, but even those memories are marred by all the bad that took place. To those who have asked, "Are you ok?" I've simply replied that I'm just going down a "dark road." Most everyone around me knows of certain circumstances that have hindered me. I don't wear frustration and anger well. However, I try to cover sadness and loneliness as best as possible. Only a few times during my "dark road" have I broken down, and these times have only been in front of God. I've screamed at him for answers, clarification, justification....All to no avail. Yes I've cried, even spoke in tongues, but when it's all over I still feel as if my prayers were thrown out of heaven and right back at my feet. There is a poem most know by Robert Frost where he says, "I took the road less ...

The Shallow Side of the Blog

I pride myself in being balanced. I'm not too liberal or too conservative. I'm not too girly nor too much of a tomboy...etc. Well today I'm throwing my balance to the wind and I'm going to be shallow. I went to the mall in search for a jersey for a friend. Well why I was there, I had to stop by a few stores and check out the clothes. I found not one, not two, but three new skirts. What's even great is that 2 of them are blue jean, and for all of you apostolic girls out know how hard it is to find a good blue jean skirt. One even came with this really trendy scarf belt. I'm very excited about it! I've never noticed how much clothes I actually have. Some of the students have made the comment that I have not worn the same outfit since school started on January 3rd. What's sad, or good, is that they're right. I may have worn a skirt twice, but it was always with a different top. Somehow I still look at my closet and say, "I have nothing ...

Guilty As Charged!

I'll admit it; I have no life. No real life that has any purpose. Nope...None. It's ok though because at least I can admit it. Here's the proof.... Tonight was "group night" on American Idol. I cried because my cowboy that I blogged about recently got sent home. He was just so durn precious. Who cares if he couldn't sing. I just have a soft spot for the underdogs....Guess that's why I'm a Mississippi State Fan. What got me was that he was ok with going home. He knew that he wasn't ready; he was just glad to have the experience. SeeI have no life....I rest my case.

The Legend of Valentine

I'm not a fan of Valentine's Day for the obvious reasons. I don't have that special love in my life to send me roses or chocolates. Also it bothers me that people give gifts on Valentine's day more out of obligation than because of love. Cultural peer-pressure stinks! Anywaz, I was sitting here at work thinking "Where did this dumb holiday come from??" I was sure it was some plot by a flower shop union and Hallmark, but I was wrong. This holiday goes back all the way to the middle ages... One legend tells the story that Emperor Claudius II made a decree that no young men could marry. He wanted men to join the army without the baggage of a wife and children left at home. The priest, Valentine, would still perform secret marriages for these young men. When the King found out, he had St. Valentine killed and so we celebrate this day in honor of his death. Another theory says that Valentine was put in jail, fell in love with the jailor's daughter, and sent he...

Drama, Drama, Drama

First, I ran across this blog that cracked me up. It's entitled "Insecure People Suck." It's listed with the rest of my links, so feel free to go check it out. Secondly, I'm very exhausted with drama. I hate drama, yet somehow it finds me. I hate being caught in all the mess. Drama is caused by insecure people, and you know what...Insecure People Suck! Maybe that's why I liked that blog so much?? I have a lot that I could say, but I'm afraid of who may read this blog, so I won't say it. However, I will say.... if you feel the need to kiss and hug all over your significant other...GET A ROOM! It's fine if you hold their hand, put your arm around them..ok. It is not ok to blow in their ear, rub all over their neck, face, hair, or kiss numerous times in front of everyone else. That type of PDA is something 15 and 16 year olds do with their first boyfriend/girlfriend b/c they don't know any better. It should not be accepted by 20+ year olds. Sorry....

Just Some Thoughts...

"Do you know I can't remember the last time we kissed because you never think the last time is the last time. You think you have forever, but you don't." "The truth is -- the truth hurts. So we lie." --Meredith Grey, Grey's Anatomy

It's getting better all the time!

After years of putting it off, I finally did it. I broke down, went to the orthodontist, and got braces! I got them put on Tuesday afternoon, so I'm still in a little bit of pain. Previous brace-wearers have assured me that by the end of the week I should be relatively pain free and use to the fact that my mouth feels like it weighs a ton. Right now, I only have the top braces on. I go back in 5 weeks to get the bottom ones on. Along with the braces, I have to have 4 teeth pulled and have my wisdom teeth cut out. I have to go ahead and get my 4 pre-molars removed as soon as possible in order to have room for my other teeth to move. Thankfully, my wisdom teeth don't have to be cut out right now, so I'm going to wait until this summer. Speaking of this summer, I'm going to be spending 2 weeks in England! My mom's mom, my Nanna, was born in England. She met my grandfather during WWII, while he was stationed in England. They fell in love, got married, and a few years af...