Me Being Me...and Enjoying it!

There are a some days that I'm not happy being me. There are days where I'm happy being me, but I'd like to be a better version of me. Then there are those great days where I feel great just being me.

Today is that day!

I'm feeling good. I've been improving on me a bit. I'm working on my tan and I've been visiting the Y for a workout regularly! I'm changing my look a bit. I'm liking my outward appearance. Several people mentioned to me that I was looking darker! It felt good!!

I'm also working on the inside part of me too. I've come to grips with my isolation problem. I know that I push people away and that I have a tendency to hide from love. I'm slowly changing that. I think I'm getting much better at putting things in God's hands and embracing my weaknesses. It's a daily battle, but it's do-able.

So today...I'm just happy being Kimberly!


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