Heavy Ignorance
Ignorance is bliss.
I'm not exactly sure who first coined the phrase, most likely the poet Thomas Grey. But I'm finding that it's a pretty accurate statement, at least lately.
The less one knows, the less one stresses, the less worry, the less is required of her. Sometimes I wish I didn't know all the things I know. Sometimes I wish I didn't hear the rumors that I hear. Sometimes I wish I wasn't privy to all the information about people that I know.
When you know things, you have to react. At least I do. I'm not one who sits by idly. As hard as I wished I could at times, I can't. Then when I can't change things, I get frustrated. Life would be so much easier, if I could just tend to me and no one else. I know that isn't how things work, and I know that no man is an island, but I think things would be a lot smoother.
I wished I didn't care sometimes. I wish I could just turn my emotions off and not feel. Sometimes feeling is just too much. Carrying the weight of the world, or at least your personal world, is just a load too heavy.