
Showing posts from October, 2006

Wrong Again....

It's not like I thought he was Superman or that I was holding out for him to be the love of my life. Yet, I did think he was different. I held him in a bit higher regard than other normal men. I honestly thought he had morals and standards. I had hope that maybe, just maybe there was a few good men left in this world. But then again, it's not the first time I've been wrong. I thought he was more spiritual than most. I knew he didn't drink, didn't cuss, and seemed to have his head on straight. (Please don't take this judgementally, but for a "non-Pentecostal guy" and trust me I realize pentecostals are just as bad as everyone else.) For some reason I was naive to think he knew how to treat women. Then when I heard what he thought about that girl and how he treated her in public verses private, well it all went out the window. It's not that I judge him. I'm not saying, What a horrible Christian. I just feel let down. I had put faith ...

Um, Next Door Please??

I just can't get around to blogging on a regular basis anymore. I'm so busy all the time now. I get stressed and frustrated, and one way I deal with that is blogging. However, because I'm so busy and don't have time to blog, I have to find other ways to vent. Oh, well! Homecoming was this past weekend at school. I was on the homecoming committee so I had to get the field all ready for the half-time presentation. Then I stayed and chaperoned the dance! On top of all of that our church is having a Healing and Deliverance Crusade this weekend. The drama team had to perform Friday night, so even though I wasn't at church I had to get that all ready. Then tonight the Youth (or more like the Youth leaders) sold BBQ Chicken plates for a fundraiser. So as you can see, my blog has had to take a back seat to all the other things. I don't mind being busy. I've always enjoyed getting things done and staying on top of the game. But lately, I've been so moo...

A Sense of Accomplishment

It's a BE-autiful rainy, Monday afternoon! I'm in such a good mood because I feel like I've finally got something accomplished! Today was Parent/Teacher Day. Parents had to come to the school and get their student's report cards. First period teachers passed out the report cards, and then parents could go by and visit with the teachers and check on their child's progress. Being the lucky one with first period free, I didn't have to deal with many parents. Instead I got to work in my room and get some things done. I graded papers, worked on some projects, swept the floor, moved furniture around, and sent out emails. I also wrote out "missed you" postcards to some students who weren't at Sunday School this week. I took care of some Youth situations, etc. Friday I went to a teacher conference and learned SO much. The speaker gave me so many great, useful ideas on how to better manage my class. So I got supplies and got ready to implement the...

To the Woman .... At the Lake House

I just got finished watching the movie The Lake House. I was a bit nervous that I was going to be extremely angry with the ending, but for a complete -no way it could happen in real life- movie, things turned out well. I actually feel much better about waiting for something better to come around the corner! Good things come to those who wait! With all that said, a great poem was posted on this week. To The Girl Who By Lorraine Orozco To the girl who didn’t get asked to the Christmas Banquet or did not get a rose on Valentine’s Day, To the girl who won't settle for second best but keeps praying for the right guy to come and sweep her away, To the girl that watches the “spiritual guys” flirt with the girls that wear their clothes too tight, To the girl who refuses to wear the short skirts to get attention because she knows it isn’t right, To the girl who won't lower herself to stalking and chasing a guy, To the girl who passes on being the center of attent...

My King Came!

I've really felt spiritually lacking lately. Ever since my walk down the cold, dark road, my prayer life has been non-existent. Even after my epiphany , I was still not where I needed to be when it came to prayer. I was very aware of God's presence and His blessings at times, but I still felt unable to really get a hold of him. So for a while I've been back and forth with blaming myself and blaming God. Well last night the spirit of God was really moving in the praise and worship service at church. I was sitting on the platform on the computer running the projection system. Things were picking up and several people had gotten out of their pews and were really worshipping. Mentally a huge argument was going on for me. At first I thought..." Man, I remember the good old days where I would be right out there. Worship service would last for hours. Now it just seems that once things may start to get going, it gets cut off. " Then the other voice in my head ...

Try to Connect the Dots of My Mind....

REMIX went great! We had about 25 young people there, including 8 new faces. Lives were touched; several kids prayed for quite a while. God really stepped in and blessed our efforts. I feel much more at ease now about everything. I honestly knew God's hand was in it. I guess I just needed his reassurance about the whole situation. ************ Last night I went to a Third Day concert! I had such a blast. The music was great; the lighting was phenomenal. I was the only girl on the trip --7 boys and me! Somehow it usually works that way. There were times I had to shout out "I'm still in the van!" But since I've been raised with all boys, it was nothing I haven't experienced before. ************* I'm really exhausted of this phase in my life. It's so surreal at times. Tonight I was driving home and it hit me that I was a teacher, an adult, a tax-paying citizen. I'm by no means grown, but legally I can do whatever I want to do within rea...