
Showing posts from November, 2006

I Feel Dirty!

Maybe I took the whole conversation the wrong way. Maybe I'm the one that took a little joking too far. Either way, I still feel dirty! Let me fill you in on the conversation: Him: Goodnight. Me: Night. Sleep Tight. Him: Only if you're here with me. Me: I guess it's going to be a long night for you. Him: Well I can dream can't I? Me: As long as it's not rated over PG. Him: You realize that means we need parental guidance. Not going to be so great with mom and dad with us. Me: You are a mess! You working tomorrow? Him: No, why? You going to come see me? Me: No. Just making conversation. Him: Well you could come by and we could watch a movie or something. Me: I don't even know where you live. Him: I could tell you if you're interested. Me: I may could come by that way as long as we keep it just friends. Him: Well you don't say? I won't bug you anymore. Goodnight. Me: Huh? Did I make you mad? Him: Nope, we're just friends...

A Different Type of Thankful!

So here's a different type of counting my blessings list. Forgive any underlying satire or cynicism. I just thought it was time for a laugh! I'm thankful that the MS Public School System gives us the whole week off for Thanksgiving because without it, my students would surely perish! (Or maybe I would be the one perishing) I'm thankful that for an entire week I don't have to hear some underage kid holler out "Hey Sexy", "I love you Ms. Rigney ", or "I'll call you tonight" all while being molested with his eyes as I walk down the hall. (Wait, I did see that student at the movies last night that desperately wanted me to save him a seat.) I'm thankful that Mr. Right hasn't entered my life because I don't really have time for him, or if I did, he would probably be chased away by all the under aged kids (and way over aged men) molesting me with their eyes. I'm also thankful that Mr. Right hasn't entered my life becaus...

The Classic Novel!

I took this quiz about what type of Literary Work I am. Here's how I scored! You scored as A classic novel . Almost everyone showers praise upon you for your depth and enduring relevance. According to your acolytes, everything you say is timeless, erudite and meaingful. Of course, none of them actually listen to you. Nobody listens to you at all, but it's fashionable to claim you as a friend. Fond of obscure words, antiquated notions and libraries, you never have a problem finding someone to hang out with. The fact that they end up using you to balance their kitchen tables is an unfortunate side effect, but you're used to being used for others' benefit. Oh the burden of being Great. A classic novel 64% A college textbook 57% A paperback romance novel 57% Poetry 43% A coloring book 36% The back of a froot loops box 36% An electronics user's manual 25% Your Literary Personality created with

Prove it!

Lots of stuff has been going through my mind, but there's just not enough time for me to get it down. Here's the latest thoughts.... Why do we as Holy Ghost filled Christians feel the need to prove everyone wrong? We think because we have the spirit of God living within us that we have an edge over everyone else. It's not even spiritual matters that we are always harping on, it's as if our every action is justified by God because we have the Holy Spirit . Last time I checked, we were still imperfect. If I'm right about something, I don't have to beat others over the head. If they refuse to see my side, and come to what I believe is the truth, it's OK . The world won't end. It's much easier to let them believe what they want to believe. Arguing back and forth never solved anything. Today was a prime example of this action. A student has been questioning me about my religion. He's admitted that he's hit rock bottom in his life, but he...

Can I move past this already???

So I didn't meet the one . If I did, it was unannounced to me. I've never been sappy about it before, but the whole trip I kept thinking, Man I wish I had a boyfriend. Which then only made me feel worse for dwelling on something that I don't have much control over . I hate not having control, and so adds to one of the many reasons I try not to dwell on the "guy situation." I don't believe the girl should be the one doing all the chasing, and so therefore, the guy in my life is going to have to approach me and do all the asking. Which leaves me with no control. Now, once we establish a relationship, I will definitely do my part and give my 50%, even more at times. However, I'm not going to be the one initiating the whole thing. Sorry, I just don't think God designed it that way. But other than the lack of a man, the conference went well. The speakers were not "shout 'em up" preachers. They were more, sit back, listen to this, ta...

God, Corn, and a Movie! All I need's the guy!?

There are major details I would like to divulge to the blogosphere concerning a certain situation at school. However, in doing so, I could hurt someones feelings and his reputation if it ever got back around to that person. Also, I have not heard the truth straight from the horse's mouth; I've only been left to assume, and therefore, it could be interpreted as gossip. Since I'm not sure just exactly who does read this blog, I will keep things as discrete as possible. I'll try not to confuse you, but I think God may have intervened on my behalf in a big, huge way. Now of course, if what I think is true is not really true, then maybe God didn't intervene. I want to think that this person is really a good person, and what I am left to believe happened, really in fact didn't happen. On the other hand, I'm pretty sure I'm right, and in that case, God really deserves a great big praise from me! Confused yet? Even though I never felt threatened by th...