I Feel Dirty!
Maybe I took the whole conversation the wrong way. Maybe I'm the one that took a little joking too far. Either way, I still feel dirty! Let me fill you in on the conversation: Him: Goodnight. Me: Night. Sleep Tight. Him: Only if you're here with me. Me: I guess it's going to be a long night for you. Him: Well I can dream can't I? Me: As long as it's not rated over PG. Him: You realize that means we need parental guidance. Not going to be so great with mom and dad with us. Me: You are a mess! You working tomorrow? Him: No, why? You going to come see me? Me: No. Just making conversation. Him: Well you could come by and we could watch a movie or something. Me: I don't even know where you live. Him: I could tell you if you're interested. Me: I may could come by that way as long as we keep it just friends. Him: Well you don't say? I won't bug you anymore. Goodnight. Me: Huh? Did I make you mad? Him: Nope, we're just friends...