
Showing posts from April, 2005

Part III of "Many Mind's Musings"

The other night at the honors banquet, we had a wonderful key note speaker. She seemed a bit eccentric at first. She started her speech by singing the song "I'm a little teapot!" However, at the end, I had to admit she was one of the best speakers I've ever heard. There is no way I could do her thoughts justice. One of her points was so in depth that I couldn't begin to explain it. You would have just had to hear it for yourself. However, there are 2 points she did make that are worth repeating and much easier to explain. Her speach was all about "uncommon" sense.... The first point is there is NO past or future. The past and the present are both figments of our imagination, if you will. We can not relive the past, nor can we tell the future. We can only live in the now. Think about breath. You can't breathe yesterday's air, nor can you rely on tomorrow's air. You can only breathe now. You must live every moment as it comes. Live in the momen...

Part II of "Many Mind's Musings"

As you've already read, I won several awards the other night. I was really glad to have my mom and dad with me at the banquet. Those of you who are around me know that I've never been one to dream of having my own children; most of the time I curse the idea. I often wonder why people would want to put themselves through all the pain (both physically and mentally) to deal with children. (I think all of this knowing that when I get married, I'll have my own children) Anyways, that night, I saw through my parents eyes, the joy of having a child. I'm not anyone special, but I could see how proud my parents were of me. I'm sure they were thinking, "Well she's more liberal than we would like her to be, but we raised a pretty decent daughter." With their smiles and glowing eyes, I thought what it would be like to know you had brought life to some child. What the feeling must be like to see their achievement and know you had a hand in it. I guess parenthood ma...

A Brief Interruption

I interrupt the series of "last night's mind's musings" to bring you this update: I absolutely LOVE the TV series Gilmore Girls! This season, they have put Rory together with this adorable guy named Logan. They've tried to have a casual relationship with no commitment, but Rory knows that she's a "boyfriend/girlfriend" kind of girl. To get to my point, she tells Logan this, and he decides that he can't risk losing her and agrees to commit. All of a sudden I felt they were filming my own life. Gilmore Girls had become reality TV. Rory said the words that have become oh too familiar to me through the years and even recently...."I really WANT to trust you, but..." Well of course Logan finishes with some normal guy reply like "You can trust me, I promise" or something to that effect. Now the question is, does she really allow herself to trust him because she wants to sooo bad even though she may get hurt?? Or does she secretly que...

One of Tonight's Many Mind's Musings

I have so much running through my mind right now that I hope I can get it all down before it disappears. I will definitely have to turn tonight's thoughts into several blog entries as there is no way I could get it all in one. Even if I could, half of you would bore with reading so much at one time! So here is the most important thought.... Tonight was the award's banquet for the Fine Arts and Sciences Division at Delta State. I knew that I was going to be winning 2 awards, but to my surprise I won 3. (Just to pat myself on the back, I won the most awards of anyone in this division!) The first award was for high achievement in United States History class ($100). The second award, that I was unaware of, was for a student majoring in Social Science with intent to teach History that has shown good academic scholarship and character ($250). The last award was for the highest GPA in the social science department. This award was a whooping $700!! Total award amount was $1050.00!!!! N...

A Happy Medium??

I'm usually a cold natured person, so I enjoy the summer. Now, living here in the MS Delta, you get 2 seasons: summer and winter. Then the winter is splashed with summer days, and if you're lucky God may throw in 2 or 3 days of spring or fall. I said all of that to say that Delta State University has issues with making the temperature inside the buildings enjoyable. It's always freezing or burning up, and today, it's freezing! Today is one of those "spring" days, and they must have run the air conditioner all weekend long. Seriously, my hands feel like block of ice! Why can't there be a happy medium?? Does it have to be hot or cold?? It seems like I'm always looking for the happy medium in my life. Either everything is going great, or the world crashes down at my feet. Either I'm not hungry at all, or I'm starving! Sometimes I'm on a spiritual high, or I feel spiritually exhausted. I'm either completely bored, or I have so much to do I ...

The inner workings of my mind

I can breathe a huge sigh of relief! I finished all the paper work I had to turn in for Student Teaching. I corrected a paper that was actually due today! Now all I have left between now and finals is to read 2 books and write 1 book review. Guess it may help if I actually had the books in my possession! Oh well, it seems that there really may be light at the end of the tunnel after all!! If you want to see the inner workings of my mind, please read on. At any given moment, my mind jumps on a topic and picks it apart even if it doesn't concern me at the time. For example, I read an article today. It's entitled " What I wish I had known when I was single... ". The essay is about throwing away the "list" that girls make concerning what they want in a future husband. At first I thought, well she's not a "christian" (as far as I know), so her advice may not be the most sound. Then I thought about an advice column I read from a wise apos...

A Tragic Burden Renewal

Almost everyone has heard about the young girl in Florida who was murdered, Sarah Lunde. What many may not know is that she had just returned home from a youth event late that night before she was murdered. (Check out the NinetyandNine article here .) I wonder if during the service Sarah attended, did anyone feel a special urging of the Holy Spirit. Did a youth worker have a tug to pray with Sarah that night. Was some prayer warrior called into a spirit of travail? Did Sarah herself sense a need to dry closer to God that night? Those are probably questions that I will never know the answer to. However, I would like to think that God spoke to Sarah's heart in a special way that night. Maybe she even felt His arms wrap around her during the whole terrible ordeal. As I read the article, the whole story became real to me for the first time. I began to cry as I contemplated this tragic event. This girl was a member of someone's youth group. It could have easily been my youth group.....

Creative Outlet

I need a creative outlet, so here I am. I figured, my mind runs all the time, I constantly have weird thoughts to share with everyone, and I already have a weekly inspiration email that I send to everyone, so why not do it all here! Which brings me to my official blog. So buckle your seat belts, keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times, cuz it will definitely be an adventurous ride! Most of you already know more about me than should be legal! For those of you who don't know much about me...Well, you're fixing to learn! However, if you need any official details feel free to read my profile, and check back periodically! I'm out!