Venting Session
Please pardon my venting, but writing helps me clear my mind... Joyce Meyer says that sometimes the present thing is the greatest enemy to what God has for your future. The problem with this...Is how do you know that the present thing is the enemy. Sometimes you know, but sometimes you don't. There's a certain situation in my life that keeps me confused as all get out. I've prayed so many times that God's will be done. The next day the situation will get better, then a few days later it's down the drain again. I'm constantly going back and forth in my mind trying to figure out if I should even waste my time with the whole ordeal. I'm an over analyzer (if I haven't said that before), and it gets me in a lot of trouble. I was having some prayer time today while driving down the road in my car. I have a few scriptures on a note card on my dash board. They are all about trusting in God, waiting on him, and such. One says..."Lean not to thine own unders...